Sunday, January 21, 2007

Screw Google - Transcript

Below is the transcript for the animated news show, "HassleHead News" episode, "Screw Google,"

PRODUCER (V.O.): Roll the intro. Roll it.


ANNOUNCER (V.O.): Hassle Head News. Keeping our eyes on the big guys. News. Analysis. Commentary. Culture. Humor. More. Hassle Head News.

DREW: Today’s top story: you can screw Google. They’re screwing you, and you can screw them back. Sweet. For more on the story, we go to Buck.

BUCK: Should we say those things?

DREW: Say it. (Louder) Say it!

BUCK: Last February Google announced plans to digitize the entire video collection of the United States National Archives and make it available online.

O.S. SOUNDS: Max in pain.

BUCK: Many of those videos are now available. The problem: they’re not in an open source format. They’re only available in a proprietary format owned by Google.

O.S. SOUNDS: Max, in pain.

BUCK: What’s with Max?

MAX: Proprietary format ... so infuriating.

His head EXPLODES. Drew pulls Max’s BRAINS off her cheek and EATS them.

DREW: Mmm! Brains. (pause) Max is a wee bit upset because the footage is public domain material. It’s the property of every US citizen but they’ve locked it away in their own format. We can look but we can’t touch. And it’s ours.

O.S. MAX: Hey could you put my mouth on my neck stump, please?

Drew puts his mouth up on his neck stump.

MAX MOUTH: There’s a way around their gatekeeper technology. Grab the coded URL for the video you want from Google. There it is. Put it into the form at It finds the address of the actual file and lets you download it. After you’ve got the file, feed it into this website: Select the output format, wait and download and editable version.

BUCK: We’ve just given you a tutorial on how to download Google videos for editing. You can use the same methods on YouTube and other sites. Don’t do anything illegal with these methods.

MAX: Please use these methods to gather public domain content only and respect the copyright of others.

DREW: Join us next time for another weekly wrap-up, news and analysis.

MUSIC PLAYS: “Clover” by Neo-World, available under creative commons license on

Screenshots from,, and, are used for reporting and commentary purposes and constitute fair use.